Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just Enough

I'd like to have a little house,
with an empty room
so I could say
to a dear friend passing along the way
"Come- stay with me as long as you like"

I’ll keep a good lamp beside your bed
where you can read before
you rest your head

And fill it with flowers
jasmine scent fills the air
and plump pillows to sink into
make you forget all your cares

A cozy place, a friendly home
Safety from the storm
A haven of peace where Jesus lives
To keep them safe and warm

But never a mansion with Persian rugs
golden doorknobs, stained glass windows
fine china on display
just enough, Oh just enough
give the rest away.

I'd like to write a book someday
and pass a table at some café,
and see someone reading the things
I have said,
and laugh by tossing back their head
Or crying a tear if I moved their soul
knowing God used me to help
them come Home

But never awards or trophies
or contracts and agents for me
just a glimmer of light
in the eye of one soul
that’s just enough
it’s all I need
give the rest away.

I'd like to have a pile of dollars,
a jar of coins in every size,
to pass among each soul that asks
any hand stretched out towards mine

to any eye who seeks my gaze
not caring if it's spent
on food or clothes
or whiskey or rent

but that someone said "HELP"
and I said
over and over again

but never a pair of designer shoes
or a Gucci bag, a silk dress in blue
a department store lipstick
no diamond or pearl
when any mouth goes hungry
I’ll give them my world

just enough
just my needs
give my wants away

I'd like to be so full of God
that people see me shine as I pass on the sidewalk
and say
"who is she, and why is she light
and why is it warm when I'm near her?"
I'd like to have them look at me
and see His face
listen to my voice sing or talk and
hear His words
reach for me, and feel His touch
in my embrace

none of me
all of Him
give it all away
all away
He is enough.


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