Saturday, June 12, 2010

You Bleed Me Out

You are my spouse
For better or worse, we promised each other
But sometimes it seems you'd rather be my mother
I'd give my life to relieve your pain
But somehow you don't see what you have to gain
You take the best I've got
You treat me like I've been caught
You bleed me out

You are my child
With a parent's heart, I love you like no other
But sometimes it seems you'd rather I be your brother
I'd give my life for you to avoid pain
But somehow you don't see what you have to gain
You take the best I've got
You act as if it's all been for naught
You bleed me out

You are my work
I try my best to show you what's in store
But sometimes it seems you'd rather show me the door
I'd give my life for all of our gain
But you'd much rather cause me pain
You take the best I've got
You don't seem to want to improve our lot
You bleed me out

You are my Lord
I try my best to live by Your word
But sometimes I seem to fall on the sword
You gave Your life for my gain
I'm sorry for when I've caused You pain
I give You the best I've got
For with Your blood my soul's been bought
I bleed You out

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