2) Don't be a controller. While you're busy trying to control the destinies of those around you, you'll be missing your own. God gives us free will. Who are we to give each other less?
3) Men are pigs. I can admit it, but we are teachable. If you can stomach our sophomoric behavior for a few weeks/months/decades, you might be richly rewarded. We eventually grow up, I think.
4) Marry for love. Love is a decision, not an emotion. Money comes and goes, jobs come and go, looks come and go, feelings come and go. Love can be eternal. Don't give in to the urge to let go when things get rough. And things will get rough.
5) Don't worry about how you look when you dance. Just dance.
6) Don't fret about not being part of the popular group or the in crowd. Embrace the fringe. In high school, look for that guy/gal who's a little out of place, but observing everything. Someday you will be working for him/her. Think Bill Gates, Madonna, Mark Zuckerberg, etc..
7) Say your prayers.
8) Pay your bills.
9) Take your pills.
10) Eat your dills. Just checking to see if you're still paying attention.
11) Regardless of his cheesy performance in 'Titanic', Leo DiCaprio in the best actor of his generation, in my humble opinion. See 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape', 'Catch Me if You Can', 'The Aviator', 'Revolutionary Road', 'Shutter Island', 'Inception', etc..
12) Beware of 50-cent tequila shot night at college bars with names like 'The Loft', 'The Bucket Shop' or 'The Library'. $5 can get you into a whole lotta trouble. You may even 'Bruce Lee' kick over a port-o-john with your buddies while in flip-flops and end up with a hugh piece of glass in your big toe. Not that I would know.
13) Run DMC is STILL the best rap group of all time. The iconic Adidas, the iconic thick gold chains, the iconic cross-genre video with Steven Tyler and Aerosmith - if someone has topped them, I don't know who it is. RIP Jam Master Jay.
14) Conformity is a trap. Why would you wanna be someone else when you can be you? If you don't do you who will?
15) Love the one you're with. Some will remember the old Stephen Stills song from the early 70's. It's so true. Don't be pining for someone you can't be with. Throw yourself headlong into the person you are with. If it doesn't get returned, then the time isn't right so move on.
16) High School cheerleading is a sport. Ask ANY girl who has EVER been part of the Rochester High School Cheer Team. 'Nuff said.
17) When I was young my grandfather once said never talk about religion or politics because there's no quicker way to start an argument. I thought to myself, "But Grandpa, those are my two favorite subjects." Of course, this was before I noticed girls.
18) The two party political system is irreparably broken. I propose the Birthday Party. When it's your birthday, you're in charge. It can't be any worse than what we have now.
19) There is no "them/they". The second I hear someone refer to a group of people as "them/they", I tune out. WE are all "them" to somebody. Don't fall for the racism/bigotry/scapegoating trap.
20) It's easier to get forgiveness than permission.
21) The people with ADHD are not the problem. It's the people who want to drug the people with ADHD who are the problem.
22) Life is like baseball. We get our at bats, take our swings, we want to get a hit, we long to reach first, second and third base. We all eventually wanna score/go home.
23) Eracism.
24) People are people.
25) Everything is everything.
26) When you have some time, listen to "What's Going On" by Marvin Gaye in it's entirety. Better than any album I know, it's sums up what the hippie movement of the 60's was all about. Again, color does not matter.
27) If you love someone, set them free. This is more than a song by Sting. Give them the freedon they need and want. If they come back - bonus; if they don't, it wasn't meant to be.
28) During the summer, listen to Madonna in your car at full blast with all the windows down while driving around the 'burbs (Rochester Hills, MI; if you can). You'll be amazed at how many friends you make.
29) Silly Love Songs are not silly.
30) Don't be afraid to be emotional. Mourn your losses hard, but only for a time. Celebrate your wins hard, but only for a time.
31) Be a good loser and a gracious winner. Again, you'll be amazed at how many friends you make.
32) Love your family. However, also realize that some folks who aren't blood relatives are family and some who are aren't.
33) Fresh tastes best. At least that's what the sticker on my banana says.
34) This sh*t is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s...
35) Study hard.
36) Finish High School.
37) Get a degree (if you can).
38) Never ever stop learning. Once you do you're dead. Maybe not physically, but in all the other ways.
39) Cherish your friends. Spend time with people who accept you unconditionally. Once conditions show up, they're trying to be your pimp and want you to be their whore. Don't do it.
40) U2 is the best band in the land. How many groups have been making original music for over 30 straight years with all of its original members? Here's to Paul, David, Adam and Larry.
41) Study the globe. The world is getting smaller. Be ready for the changes that are coming.
42) Some of my best friends are women of color. Most sistas know what it's all about. They have the double-minority-whammy and have had to find another way. They are some of the most resourceful people I know. Oops, I just said "they"!!
43) Motown music is the best. Marvin, Stevie, Aretha, Temps, Tops, Supremes, Jacksons... need I say more?!
44) Football isn't a contact sport, it's a collision sport. I played one year in High School and thank God I wasn't any good. Slow white men should not be cornerbacks. I'm thankful I still have a healthy body and my wits about me. No editorial comments please.
45) Michael Jordan never looked right in this number.
46) Don't be afraid to lavish those around you with cool gifts. It is better to give than receive.
47) I love coffee and I don't just mean the level above "like". It's more like "adore". Am I allowed to adore a bean?! That's not idolatry, is it??
48) If you're white, don't be afraid to eat different ethnic foods - Italian food, Mexican food, Chinese food, Tai food, Indian food, Soul food. You may put on a few pounds, but you're too damn skinny anyway. It'll be worth it.
49) Never stop riding your bike.
50) I'm now fiddy, not fifty. There's a difference.
- thug_nation © May 1, 2011
Follow me on Twitter @thug_nation
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